
Importance of Online Coupons for Shoppers, Retailers, Affiliates

A few days ago, having registered that in April 2010 “35 million consumers visited coupon sites” (a number that was up 5% from the year before), Compete reminded us of the findings of their “Online Shopper Intelligence” study originally released in February 2010. In the ranking of sources / tools […]

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What are Affiliate-Exclusive Coupon Codes?

A merchant has emailed me: A newly-joined affiliate is asking if we can offer them exclusive coupon codes. He says these are extremely popular and convert especially well for them. What exactly are exclusive codes? [underlining mine] The technique of enticing coupon affiliates with exclusive codes is a widely-spread one.

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Bright Future for Coupon Affiliates

MediaPost has published some information that coupon affiliates should find of extreme interest. Referencing a recent report by Borrell Associates, MediaPost wrote: …Borrell Associates estimates that the $8.3 billion value of online coupons redemptions in 2009 (including via the Internet, email and mobile) will jump more than 50% to $12.7

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Affiliate Summit East 2009: Growth and Coupon to Register

Affiliate Summit is the largest affiliate marketing conference available. The next one is going to be held between 9 and 11 August 2009 in New York City. These conferences are great to attend, and while the ones on the West Coast generally attract more attendees, the East Coast ones have

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