General Discussion

Your Affiliate Program Has a Limited Potential Syndrome

Doesn’t the title of this post sound like a diagnosis? That’s only because it is one — one that I have frequently made upon analyzing the reasons for growth stagnation in affiliate programs across different verticals. A syndrome is defined as a combination of symptoms that helps one make a

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Affiliate Summit East 2009: Growth and Coupon to Register

Affiliate Summit is the largest affiliate marketing conference available. The next one is going to be held between 9 and 11 August 2009 in New York City. These conferences are great to attend, and while the ones on the West Coast generally attract more attendees, the East Coast ones have

Affiliate Summit East 2009: Growth and Coupon to Register Read More »

Recession-Proof Affiliate Marketing

I’ve been reading the current issue of the Search Marketing Standard magazine, and the article by Laura Callow  draw my attention. She wrote on why PPC marketing is recession-proof, and the 5 reasons for her conclusion were: (i) the growth of end user exposure Internet and use of search engines,

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Incentive or Loyalty Affiliates – Definition and Specifics

Many merchants and affiliate program managers do not know what incentive affiliates (aka loyalty affiliates) are. This, in some cases, results in low-quality affiliate program performance, whereas in others, ignorance regarding the essence of incentive affiliate marketing may bring about unwanted customer activity. Incentive/loyalty affiliates are affiliates that facilitate the

Incentive or Loyalty Affiliates – Definition and Specifics Read More » or How Affiliate Marketing Gets Hurt

Let me start with a story, a true story. I hosted a table at the last Affiliate Summit’s Meet Market. Meet Markets are networking events held for the purpose of affiliates, merchants, affiliate networks, outsourced affiliate program managers, and other agencies to “meet-and-greet” each other during the first day of or How Affiliate Marketing Gets Hurt Read More »

Will IE8 InPrivate Browsing Hurt Affiliate Marketing?

There have been questions coming from affiliates regarding the new Internet Explorer’s ( IE8 ) InPrivate Browsing function and its possible negative effect on affiliate marketing. InPrivate Browsing essentially allows the web user to surf the web in the “incognito mode” or leaving no entries in the browser history, no

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