General Discussion

Focus on Personal Advancement, Needs and Goals

After my previous two posts on motivating affiliates [Introduction to affiliate motivation and Intrinsic motivation as ultimate goal] I have been reading a lot about different models and frameworks, approaches and interpretations. But today’s reading from Haslam’s Psychology in Organizations: The Social Identity Approach summarized them all too beautifully for […]

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7 Things A Coupon Affiliate Can Do To Stand Out

Largely due to the current economic climate, and partly because of the very psychology of humans, coupon websites (majority of them – affiliates) are rapidly multiplying — new ones springing up every week. But how could a new coupon website stand out? First, let’s look at the commonalities of coupon

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Intrinsic Motivation – Ultimate Goal of Affiliate Manager

I was researching more on motivation in the course of the day today, and at one point while I was reading Frederick Herzberg’s article “One More Time. How Do You Motivate Employees” (Harvard Business Review, Jan. 2003) I realized that making all things go right within any given affiliate program

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How to Motivate Affiliates – Introduction

Today I have been reading articles on motivation and emotional intelligence published by the Harvard Business Review over the past four decades.  I was looking at all of them from the perspective of how I, as an affiliate program manager, could better motivate affiliates; and one of them especially stood

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How to Kill an Affiliate Campaign With a Landing Page

Today I would like to show merchants that run affiliate programs how a landing page could kill an affiliate program’s campaign. Unfortunately, most merchants do not do a thorough enough job when putting together landing pages for promos and coupons they offer through their affiliate programs, and I feel like

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