General Discussion

Lots of Good Blogging Tips Floating Around

Jason Rubacky’s “unique content tips” he’s been systematically posting in ShareASale’s blog since April 17 reminded me of an one amazing post made by Rand Fishkin earlier this month. In it Rand listed and discussed 21 tips that every blogger simply must incorporate into their overall blogging strategy if they […]

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Blogging To Continue Blooming. Trends & Statistics.

Earlier today eMarketer has published some interesting data on blogging, bloggers and blog readers. In their report they’ve looked at the US blogging landscape. While many bloggers fo live outside the United States, here are the two main reasons why it is important to know what is going on in

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Three R's of Affiliate Program Management Success

Throughout my own affiliate program management practice, and examining other affiliate managers’ styles and techniques, I have noticed that all successful AMs and OPMs* exhibit the three characteristics that I believe to be the key components of success (not only in affiliate program management, but in any management/leadership). If you

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Mediocre Affiliate Marketing & The Secret To Winning Big

As I was watching a video by Gerhard Gschwandtner of, where he was talking with Seth Godin about mediocrity and the mindsets that winners have, I was once again reminded of what makes “super affiliates” stand out. So many affiliates want to become super and win big, yet so

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