General Discussion

Ways to Increase Affiliate Commission

One of the most effective types of affiliate incentives is commission increase. There are two basic ways merchants increase affiliate commissions: 1. Based on Performance Performance may be measured in the number of sales or the cumulative monetary value of affiliate-driven sales. Example A: The default commission is set at

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Leaks — Common Problem on Merchant Websites

Let’s start with the definition first: In affiliate marketing, leaks are specifically defined as external links within your website that lead to sites which do not credit your affiliates for the work they perform (as defined by sending you the traffic and potential sales). Some of the most common examples

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10 Tips on How to Convince a Skeptical Online Customer

Online customers are becoming more and more savvy, critical, and skeptical. What can merchants and affiliates do to put an end to their moderately successful storming of the bastion of the end-users’ hears and minds, and really start convincing their target audiences? Eric Brantner, a business copywriter, has put together

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Distribution of Affiliate Platform Choices

Earlier this morning I have been listening to Shawn Collins’ and Missy Ward’s InBound Marketing Summit presentation entitled “Five Successful Strategies for Monetizing Blogs”, and Shawn has mentioned some interesting statistics. Apparently, out of the 100 online retailers ranked by Internet Retailer as the “Hot 100 Retail Web Sites”, 75

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Affiliate Link Cloaking: Definition, Reasons & How To's

The subject has been revived over the past few days, and I think it’s important to link from my blog to some useful data on the topic of affiliate link cloaking. What is Affiliate Link Cloaking? Let’s start with a quick definition. To cloak is a beautiful verb that Webster’s

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Explaining Affiliate Marketing with Ice-Cream Truck Illustration

What’s an easy way to explain affiliate marketing to a friend, colleague or family? I am sure every affiliate marketer had to ponder on this question at one point or another. Let me suggest a simple explanation that you may find of help. Short Explanation You’re a kid. It’s a

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A Need for Affiliate "Super Aggregator"?

In recent blog post entitled “The Future of Affiliate Marketing” Frank Watson made an interesting proposal, which essentially means automatizing the optimization of both affiliate ads, and merchant’s landing pages. The suggested process would mirror “a lot of the work being done by successful affiliates already”, but would need both

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