General Discussion

North Carolina, 7% of Zero is Still Zero

Yesterday evening @MattEnders, a North Carolina based colleague of mine, tweeted: Having been one of the people to blog about the problem a week ago, I have gone online this moring to try to find the interview. Couldn’t find the recording itself, but got to this page on The […]

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FTC to Monitor Affiliate Links in Blogs

In continuation of my earlier posted thoughts on the effectiveness of blog reviews, it seems appropriate to now turn to the Federal Trade Commission’s plans to monitor blogs for paid/biased reviews. On Sunday, the Associated Press wrote that blogging, which continues blooming, “has taken on characteristics of community journalism —

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Effectiveness (or Ineffectiveness?) of Blog Reviews

I’ve written about blogs as an excellent marketing method for affiliates to employ in promotion of affiliate programs. I have also published some encouraging stats and forecasts on blogging here. Yesterday has published some additional statistics we should know about. While word-of-mouth recommendations still move the end users to

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Where Management, Leadership and Transformational Leadership Overlap

I’ve blogged about the differences between leaders and managers. I have also written about transformational leadership, and how it can be applied in the context of affiliate marketing. But today I have found an interesting diagram that shows how and when management, leadership, and transformational leadership can overlap (in traditional

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Transformational Leadership for Affiliate Program Management

I have been comparing different theories of leadership over the past few weeks, and while many — if adjusted and adopted to the affiliate program management context — do fit, it is the transformational leadership that, in my opinion, is best suited for new affiliate program managers to keep in

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7 Tips on Picking a Social Media "Guru"

As I look at people’s bios (self-descriptions) on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and other social media sites, I see way too many calling themselves social media gurus, experts, and social media strategists. The self-proclaimed gurus have appeared from everywhere, but how do you tell an expert from a non-expert? How do

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Amazon Decides to Terminate North Carolina Affiliates

This morning the following e-mail has landed in mailboxes of all North Carolina affiliates of Amazon: We regret to inform you that the North Carolina state legislature (the General Assembly) appears ready to enact an unconstitutional tax collection scheme that would leave little choice but to end its relationships

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