General Discussion

Programs on Multiple Networks: Parasites Hurt All

Earlier this morning I published an article on where I talked about the problem of parasitism in affiliate marketing, and channel cannibalization, and how it should not be viewed as a problem for affiliate marketers only, but be tackled on a much wider scale. As I was adding more

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Google Suggest Now Helps Prevent Trademark Poaching

…at least to a degree (and this is good to see). Back in May of this year when Google Suggest got links to the main/official websites added to the lists of suggested search phrases, I am pretty positive they did not have affiliate marketing in mind. The feature was certainly

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Affiliate Marketing Program is Like a Lawn Mower

Building a successful affiliate program is in many ways akin to lawn mowing. The mower symbolizes your affiliate program, whereas the lawn is the market. There are three integral elements without which the lawn cannot be mowed effectively, even with the presence of the mower. They are: (i) fuel, (ii)

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Newsletter Encourages Affiliate to Get Active

Some of you may remember my “Back to the Question of Affiliate Newsletters” post made earlier this month where I expressed my gratitude to an affiliate that called my newsletter “personal, intriguing, well written,” and one which she has never received from any other CJ-based merchant. Yesterday this same affiliate

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Internet Marketing Conferences – 2009

In response to a reader’s request under my “Affiliate Marketing Conferences – 2009” post, I have decided to compile a list of the Internet marketing conferences to attend during the remaining months of 2009: Sept-Dec 2009 Internet Marketing Conferences 09/01-09/02 – ad:tech Chicago (Chicago, IL) 09/02-09/03 – ad:tech Tokyo (Tokyo,

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eBay Partner Network Will Now Pay for Clicks

After testing their new affiliate payment model with select affiliates for over three months, the eBay Partner Network (eBPN) has made an official announcement of it yesterday. The model bears a name of Quality Click Pricing (QCP), and is essentially a CPC (cost per click) model. It is called to

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