General Discussion

Affiliate Links on Merchant Websites

When online businesses (in further text: merchants) just discover affiliate marketing, and get really excited about the way everything works, and the opportunities that open up, it is very common to witness some of them express interest in acting in the capacity of affiliates in addition to running their own […]

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Affiliate Networks Will Not Manage Your Program

Yesterday I read an article on where the author wrote: Affiliate marketing programs can be set up in two ways: create an individual program or work with an affiliate network… Running an individual affiliate program requires the company to keep in direct contact with the affiliates, maintaining complete control

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Affiliate Mistakes, Choosing Affiliate Programs, and more

I have given an interview to the Affilorama affiliate training portal which operates out of Christchurch, New Zealand. We’ve had good chat with Chris who made sure the discussion was full of thought-provoking questions, and I thank him for structuring the interview the way he did. I really enjoyed it.

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93 Percent of "Affiliate" Tweets Are Junk

I have just finished a quick Twitter analysis of 100 tweets with the word “affiliate” in them, and discovered that the two most popular topics “affiliate”-related people tweet about are: (i) tools, eBooks and technology that can make you a fortune overnight, and (ii) the “best affiliate program(s) on earth”.

93 Percent of "Affiliate" Tweets Are Junk Read More »

Blog Tips or Essential Components of Blogging Strategy

Throughout my own blogging experience, as well as watching other blogs grow in their success, I have pinpointed 11 factors that may contribute to a blog’s success. They are: Posting valuable content Putting together meaningful titles Timely replying to comments in your blog Creating communities around blogs Leaving comments on

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Affiliate and CPA Networks Which Use Twitter

More and more affiliate networks, and CPA networks, are actively utilizing Twitter — both to provide affiliate and merchant support, and to announce new programs, contests/promos and enhancements. I thought you may appreciate a list of these with their corresponding Twitter accounts. Here’s what I’ve been able to put together

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Affiliate Program Start / Setup Expenses

After receiving my pricing, a prospective client, who is looking for an outsourced affiliate program manager (OPM), wrote: I wanted to know whether there would be any other fees that I should be considering? I suppose the software companies like Linkshare and others, would charge a fee also. Are those

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