General Discussion

Todd Crawford and Lisa Riolo Interview on Impact Radius

As it was earlier announced in this press release, and then reemphasized both by Shawn Collins and Scott Jangro, a new kind of an affiliate marketing platform was born yesterday morning, and given the name Impact Radius. I have interviewed two of the co-founders of Impact Radius, Todd Crawford (TC) […]

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Forrester Publishes Customer Experience Index 2010

Upon surveying “4,600 US consumers about their interactions with a variety of companies gauging the usefulness, ease of use, and enjoyability of those experiences”, Forrester has arrived at its 2010 Customer Experience Index (not to be confused with the Customer Satisfaction index recently published by ForeSee Results). It is being

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Tsar by Pavel Lungin and Ethics in Affiliate Marketing

A few days ago Russia celebrated Christmas, and while choosing a movie to watch yesterday night my attention was naturally drawn to a new film by Pavel Lungin — “Tsar” [more here and here | it’s also available in the U.S. with English subtitles]. It is not an easy movie

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Birthdays and Manager-Affiliate Relationship

We hear it being repeated time again: affiliate marketing is a relationship industry. But how do affiliate program managers build the relationships? One way is by attending events like the upcoming Affiliate Summit, or other affiliate gatherings where you can meet affiliates face to face; another one — by participating

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Super Affiliates Prefer Per-Click Payments?

One of very few theoretical and more academically-written books on affiliate marketing (if not the only one) is the Strategic Affiliate Marketing by S. Goldschmidt, S. Junghagen and U. Harris published in 2003. While discussing the basics of affiliate marketing, the authors spend time looking at “Affiliates’ Characteristics” (p. 51-52).

Super Affiliates Prefer Per-Click Payments? Read More »

Value of Click and Quest for Perfect Attribution Model

Fred Wilson has tweeted: I’ve just finished reading his “Affiliate Marketing Undervalues The Link” post. In essense, he argues that the 535 clickthroughs he sent to Amazon were worth much more than the money he received in commission (a total of $25.20, or less than $0.05 per click). Linking to

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American Home Shield, Direct Marketing & Affiliate Recruitment

Affiliate recruitment is a form of direct marketing Yesterday I have received the following piece of correspondence from the American Home Shield, a home warranty company I’ve used for a year, and parted ways with about a year ago: I’m not gonna go into the reasons why I do not

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Top 10 US and UK Online Retailers by Customer Satisfaction

Having analyzed this holiday season’s performance of the top US and UK online retailers, ForeSee Results has published two interesting lists where they rank the top 40 e-tailers in each country according to the American Customer Satisfaction Index [more about ACSI]. Yesterday they published the UK data where the top

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