General Discussion

Is Twitter a Better Marketing Tool than Social Networks?

Earlier this Spring a study by Arbitron and Edison Research revealed that close to half of Americans (48%, to be exact) have profiles on social networks, which actually is exactly double the level from two years ago [more here]. However, a more recent research conducted and published by the same […]

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Affiliate Marketing: Pros, Cons and Other Considerations

I’ve just finished reading an interesting article in the UK’s Marketing Magazine where they look at affiliate marketing, giving their take on the pros and cons, as well as quoting some interesting statistics. You may read the full article here (it’s got some good tips for merchants new to affiliate

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Mobile Affiliate Marketing Best Practice Guidelines

Yesterday (on April 27, 2010) the Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) has published version 5.0 of its “U.S. Consumer Best Practices (CBP) Guidelines for Cross-Carrier Mobile Content Services” [more here]. This fairly voluminous document (139 pages long; full text in PDF here) prescribes industry standards for mobile messaging (SMS and MMS),

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Pay Per Call Advertising Draws Impressive Conversions

A month ago ShareASale published a brief case study on how the pay-per-call model was working for one given affiliate program, that of Legacy Learning Systems [view it in PDF here]. In it the program’s manager, Matt McWilliams, shared that in the first 30 days with the platform — ShareASale

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AffStat 2010 Reveals Key Affiliate Expectations

Having surveyed over a thousand of affiliates “on their methods, preferences, and strategies”, Affiliate Summit has put together its newest 2010 AffStat Report [source], and made it open to public (free of charge) yesterday, April 20. I’ve been waiting for this one to be announced, and been glad to see

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First U.S. Mobile Affiliate Network Launched

I’ve known of Apprupt (a Germany-based performance marketing network for mobile applications), MobPartner (a France-headquartered mobile CPA network), but now there is a US-based mobile affiliate network too. It is called OfferMobi, and it was launched just yesterday (April 19) at ad:tech San Francisco. The company is owned by Mark

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Low Cost of Entry and CPA Model — Key Selling Points

Earlier this month Forrester released its “Search And Email Marketing Tactics To Attract International Online Shoppers” report. While being highly focused on paid search and email marketing as the tools to go global, they couldn’t omit the benefits of running internationally-friendly affiliate programs too. The reports says: Affiliate Marketing Often

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Marketing Diversification or Fishing for Different Species

I have this an-advice-a-day Fishing Tips calendar on my desk, and earlier this week I read the following advice in it: Learn how to fish for more than one kind of species. By doing so, you can take advantage of peak periods for different fish and avoid the inevitable slow

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