General Discussion

CTV or 3 Components of Successful Marketing Campaign

Are you participating in the Fast Company’s Influence Project yet? Launched just 26 days ago, it already has 21,784 people registered, and the number is growing quickly. The slogan of the campaign is “You’re more influential than you think”. The project’s website clarifies the idea: ABOUT THE PROJECT We started […]

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10 Email Marketing Experts to Follow on Twitter

It’s Friday again, and in the best traditions of Twitter’s #FollowFriday list sharing, today I’d like to turn to email marketers. So, ladies and gentlemen, I now bring you a list of 10 email marketing experts and/or companies/projects to follow on Twitter (bios taken from whatever each of them listed

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Facebook Attack: Data of 100 Million Users Collected & Published

<!…and it is now available for a free download! Scary, isn’t it? 100 million Facebook users essentially means every fifth account. A couple hours after the publishing of this database, BBC picked up the news writing: Ron Bowes used a piece of code to scan Facebook profiles, collecting data not

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Daily Blogging Increases Traffic Yielding Higher Social Engagement

I know the title of the post may sound banal and obvious, but it wasn’t such to me when after 500+ days of daily blogging I decided to take a break, and write only Mondays through Fridays. I had heard some old-time bloggers argue that regularity is no longer the

Daily Blogging Increases Traffic Yielding Higher Social Engagement Read More »

ShareASale vs Commission Junction: Banner Upload Convenience

I manage an affiliate program for a merchant who is simultaneously utilizing two affiliate networks: Commission Junction and ShareASale. I’ve just had to upload 6 new banners to each network, and in one case it took me 8+ times longer than in the other. Here are the details: Commission Junction

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FTC Publishes Answers to FAQs on Endorsement Guides

Earlier this week I have found out that the Federal Trade Commission has recently created a section within their website, devoting it fully to frequently asked questions on the revised Endorsement Guides (about which I blogged extensively as soon as they got announced). This is a great addition to the

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Unceasing Demand – Fertile Soil for Get Rich Quick Schemes

Literally millions of people worldwide are looking for ways to “get rich quick”, and many of them are tying this either to the Internet or to work from home: This never-ceasing demand (often coupled with opportunities like these) breeds more and more get-rich-quick schemes which promise you too-good-to-be-true monthly (or

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