38% of Affiliates Do Not Read Program Agreements

In one of the newly launched affiliate programs (where specific types of affiliate promotion are explicitly prohibited in a short and easy-to-read program agreement), we have observed that over 38% of affiliates who apply into this program do not read that agreement. Yes, there is a mandatory requirement to agree to the terms and conditions prior to submitting an application, and they do state that they have read it. However, their websites show that there is an obvious mismatch between the program’s policies and the marketing methods they use.

If you are an affiliate reading this, please take a moment to participate in the following anonymous poll:


There is something affiliate program managers should learn from this. Do not rely solely on having that affiliate program agreement in place. The fact that you do have it is good, but it does not safeguard you from having non-matching affiliates apply into your program. The fact that they have ticked the “I agree” box does not necessarily mean that they have read it. So, to save yourself the time policing inappropriate affiliate behavior in the future, make sure you carefully screen all affiliate applications at the very outset.

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